Compare AS9110C to AS9110B

What are the main differences between AS9110C and AS9110B? AS9110C is based off of ISO 9001:2015, having the new high level structure with ten clauses, rather than eight.

AS9110B was replaced by AS9110C in 2016 and is the current version. The revision is based off of ISO 9001:2015.

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Key Changes

AS9110 Rev C is aimed for organization with national airworthiness authority repair station certification and also for organizations with maintenance, repair and overhaul operations

AS9110 Rev C reexamines the responsibility of making sure that the requirements are being met by taking the focus off of just management and implementing the standard throughout the entire organization. This does not mean that the management is not responsible, but rather is responsible for proper training and ensuring that the employees are aware of the requirements.

Another big change in Rev C within section 8, Operation. 8.1.1 This name changed from product realization, and the new standard further addresses product safety and prevention of working with counterfeit parts.

Additionally, Control of Production and Service Provision has been expanded upon to further address this requirement with greater detail.


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